I really like my church

Sunday 25 July 2010

Over the last week or so I've been taking a break from all things internet-based in order to take a much-needed holiday. Luke and I spent a few days in Paris trekking round the sights (see above) and have spent the weekend catching up with friends and family. Tomorrow I'll be back to my usual, constantly tweeting and blog-reading self but in the meantime I was inspired to write a quick post after attending church today.

I really like my church. Since we started attending, just over two and a half years ago, we've made some wonderful friends, got involved in a lot and have been able to develop and grow in our faith. This summer the church is focusing on the theme of 'family' (as in the church family) and today Simon, one of our leaders, spoke on the importance of both diversity and unity in the church. We're a really diverse congregation; as was pointed out this morning at least 50 nationalities are represented, as are people of every age and from many different backgrounds and walks of life.

It was so encouraging to hear a sermon in which the fact we all have different qualities, gifts and personalities to bring to the church and that the goal of our church family is to encourage differences and the richness they bring, rather than stifling - but at the same time fostering a sense of unity, family and compassion for one another despite our innate differences. At one point, Simon spoke passionately of our need to be a church which seeks to stamp out 'racism, sexism, ageism, classicism and elitism'.

Plenty of people clapped at this point. Personally I'm so glad to be part of a church which stands for these values to the extent that they're preached from the front on a Sunday. Promoting equality, diversity and unity should be such a priority for churches because it really does make for healthy congregations. In the past I've written about my past struggles to reconcile my personality and views with the church and the fact that I know I can be myself with my qualities and talents being recognised as equally important is such a motivation to get more involved in church life.

And that's just another example of why I really like my church.

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