This is why I believe in equality

Sunday 7 March 2010

Thousands of women and girls marched through central London yesterday as part of Million Women Rise 2010.

Sabrina Qureshi: "There is a way forward and there is a shared vision of a world without male violence. There is nothing innate about rape."

Her placard reads "Sri Lanka: stop raping Tamil women"

We heard the stories of women from Iran. Women from Uganda. Women from the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Injustices happening all over the globe as well as here in the UK. Women who have been attacked, objectified, abused, marginalised, denied basic human rights.

And we expressed hope that one day, violence and discrimination against women BECAUSE THEY ARE WOMEN will be a thing of the past.

This is why equality is important. It's not something to do with wanting to wipe out men. It's not something it was okay to stand for in the 1970s, with no need to stand for it now. Hearing these women speak we were left in no doubt that equality and respect is not something we've achieved. It's something we have to keep on fighting for.

Million Women Rise report at The F Word
Jess McCabe's photos of the day (see also Charlotte Cooper's photos and Hannah Nicklin's photos)
Videos of the day

1 comment:

Katie Stanton (RockNRolly) said...

This was a very inspirational blog post. I try to take an active interest in feminism, but I normally skip over feminist blogs because the posts are so long winded and this one was like a breath of fresh air. Thank you for sharing! x


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